Team Spotlight:

Tina, Care Worker

Meet Tina, one of our Care Workers 

Tina is a dedicated Care Worker who goes above and beyond to support Clients with their care needs. Tina ensures her Clients live happily in their own homes by helping with daily activities and offering emotional support and companionship. She builds deep, trusting relationships, and is always attentive to her Clients’ unique needs. Whether it’s staying longer to listen to their stories, or finding creative ways to lift their spirits, Tina’s genuine care and dedication make a positive impact every day.

Hi Tina, can you tell us about your key responsibilities as a Care Worker?

My responsibilities are very varied, my key responsibilities are ensuring my Clients are safe, living comfortably in their own home, and of course, have a smile on their face. I also have to keep all relevant people informed, liaise with my Clients families, inform the Abbots Care operational team of any changes or concerns, deal with GPs and other health care professionals such as district nurse.


What does a day in your work life look like?

People say being a Care Worker is challenging but personally I don’t think it is. I enjoy visiting my Clients and have a good relationship with all of them and their families. My day begins by getting my Client up, making sure their fed, having a lovely chat with them and setting them up ready for the day. I also try and get my Clients out of the house if they are able to, my Client Sheila loves to go to the park. I always ensure to put in that extra effort and spend more time just listening and talking to my Clients as I may be the only person they see all day.

“Being a Care Worker is beyond rewarding, and putting a smile on my Clients face everyday brings me such fulfillment.”

How did you get into the care industry?

My neighbour was a Care Worker and told me I’d be perfect for the role, so I went for it and have not looked back since. Being able to improve someone else’s life brings me such purpose and I truly care for all my Clients like my own family.

What three skills would you say are key to being successful in your role?

  • Be kind.
  • Have patience.
  • Be understanding.


How long have you been with Abbots Care?

Coming up to three wonderful years with Abbots Care.


What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

Outside of work I love staying active by attending fitness classes and I go on long bike rides and walks out in nature. I am also really into photography and of course spending time with loved ones.


Can you tell us what you love most about your role?

I enjoy taking my Clients out, singing together in the car and seeing them happy. I love the relationship I have built with my Clients and really cherish our bond, because we get on well, I often forget I’m at work.


What inspires you in your role every day?

I really urge anyone considering becoming a Care Worker to go for it, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! If you are kind, patient and understanding you will be great at it. It’s rewarding because you enable Clients to stay at home and live comfortably.


What inspires you in your role every day?

Most Clients live alone so I make sure we have a laugh and I make them happy during the time I am with them. They enjoy my company and I enjoy there’s, the only time they’re unhappy with me is when I have my weekend off. They always say it’s nice for me but not for them.

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