A collage of an elderly woman smiling and receiving live-in care support at Abbots Care

A day in the life of live-in care

Live-in care to support your individual lifestyle, needs and routines

Live-in Care Worker supports you in everyday life, enabling you to live well and happily at home. Our live-in Care Workers are here to support your individual lifestyle, needs and routines, which we understand differs from person to person.

Here’s what a day looks like for Sara who supports Abigail with live-in care

Starting the day – your way

Abigail likes to have a relaxed and quiet start to the day so I bring Abigail a cup of tea in bed and then head back to my room until Abigail is ready to get up. I help Abigail to get ready, supporting her with washing and dressing before we make our way to the kitchen where I’ve already prepared breakfast for both of us. Over breakfast, we talk about the day ahead and plan to visit the local high street, to pick up essentials in the afternoon.

Activities and social time – your Live-In Care Worker is there to help you get the most out of each day

Abigail keeps a calendar in her kitchen so I know what upcoming appointments or social events Abigail has planned. Abigail’s daughter pops in every morning to spend some time with her. This is my opportunity to carry out household tasks such as the laundry or vacuuming. After a light lunch, we head into town for some fresh air and spend an hour or so shopping and enjoy a slice of cake at Abigail’s favourite bakery.

Enjoying mealtimes and eating well

Abigail is very social and prefers to share her mealtimes with me. In fact, we prepare, cook and enjoy lunch and dinner together most days. During this time, we share stories, discuss what’s going on in the world and more importantly, who our favourite bake-off contestant is!

Personal time and respecting boundaries

After dinner, I clear up in the kitchen before heading off to my room, I know Abigail likes to have space at regular points in the day to do things that are important to her and her independence, for example watching the TV or making a telephone call to her friends and family.  This is an opportunity for me to have some downtime as part of my scheduled break.

Night-time routine

In the evening I make Abigail a cup of tea an hour before bedtime and remind her to take her medication. We go upstairs and I support with any personal care needed before helping her get into bed. Abigail likes to listen to her favourite radio station while she falls asleep. After I have said goodnight, I take some time to get things prepared for the next morning before going to bed myself. On occasion, Abigail may need her help in the night so I listen out for her.


“The Care staff that are supporting my Mum through her care needs are extremely lovely and supportive. Our Mum has cancer and she is receiving the most excellent and caring support from all Staff. We would just like to say a huge thank you as we know that there is more difficult times ahead for us as a family.”

Child of Service User, Buckinghamshire Branch