Compliments and complaints

Compliments procedure

At Abbots Care we are really proud of the service we provide to our Service Users. If you would like to share a positive experience that you have experienced with our teams, please do so by one of the following channels.

Telephone: 0330 094 5511

As a leading home and live-in care provider we can also be found on many online home and live in care directories such as

For someone who is looking into home care for the first time these web sites are a great place to read reviews from current Service Users.

Simply click on the links to leave a review.

Hertfordshire Service Users: Click here
Google: Click here

Dorset Service Users: Click here
Google: Click here

Buckingham Service Users: Click here
Google: Click here

Complaints policy and procedures

The system we use is guided by Hertfordshire’s ombudsman good practice checklist.

Our complaint procedure is:

  • A link on our website
  • visible in our reception area
  • in the brochure, which is given to all new service users
  • in the induction policies handbook, which is given to all new employees

 This procedure can be made available on request in other languages and in other formats such as Braille.

How to complain:

We welcome your complaints and use them to improve our service. Should you wish to complain, please do so by any of the following methods;

  • Writing to our office;

Units 5 and 6
Phoenix House,
63, Campfield Road,
St. Albans, HERTS, AL1 5FL

  • Telephoning an Abbots Care Ltd Manager Phone; 0330 094 5511
  • E-mail us at
  • Face to face at any time
  • Telling us during a visit
  • Completing our questionnaire

Help to complain:

If you were referred to us by Hertfordshire County Council Adult or Children’s services or if the services are being provided on behalf of any council or the NHS; you can contact them to help you complain.

You can ask us to write it down for you:

You can ask us to help you by getting an advocacy service for you, or a translation service, a BSL signer, braille writer or other help.  Users can see the notice board in our foyer for details about local advocacy services.

The person receiving the complaint will,

  • record each incident or complaint
  • send out a standard letter to the complainer which gives the name of the manager dealing with it and expected timescales.
  • pass the complaint to the named manager
  • provide a copy of the written record within three working days

All complaints will be acknowledged within three working days and in the acknowledgement letter we will give a record of the complaint and the name of the person who will investigate. We will keep the complainant informed about the progress of the investigation.

If a complaint cannot be solved immediately the manager will give the Service User a time and date on which they will report back to the Service User.  The timing will be appropriate to the urgency of the complaint and is usually within 28 working days.

The manager will return to the complainer with their findings and actions, and ask if they are satisfied with the outcome. The manager will check at six weeks that the service user is still satisfied. If the Service User is not satisfied, the manager will try to find other methods of reaching a satisfactory outcome, she/he will give another date and time to the Service User for further feedback. All complaints will be securely filed and kept confidentially by Abbots Care Ltd.

Time limit

All complaint investigations should be concluded within six months unless a different deadline is agreed with the complainant and there is a good reason for this.

A complaint must be made no later than 12 months after:

  • the date the event occurred or, if later,
  • the date the event came to the notice of the complainant.

The time limit will not apply if AC is satisfied that the complainant can give a good reason for not making the complaint within that time limit, and despite the delay, it is still possible to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.

Complaints from a representative

We will only accept complaints from a representative under certain conditions.

Where we know that the service user has consented, either verbally or in writing


Where the service user cannot complain unaided and cannot give consent because they lack capacity within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and the representative is acting in the service user’s best interests for example, where the matter complained about, if true, would be detrimental to the service user.

Anonymous Complaints

We will investigate anonymous complaints and we will publish results.

  • if a third party represents the complainant or
  • by providing the result in our quality report.

Complaints about care workers

If it is a care worker who is complained about, the manager will contact the care worker concerned.  The care worker is entitled to a fair hearing.

Complaint inspection

All complaints will be available for inspection by the appropriate body, i.e. CQC, Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire Council, and if a complaint is about a criminal act it will also be passed to the police.

What to do if you are still not satisfied

Once your complaint has been fully dealt with by Abbots Care Ltd. if you are not satisfied with the outcome you can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The LGO provides a free, independent service. You can contact the LGO Advice Team for information and advice, or to register your complaint.

T: 0300 061 0614

The LGO will not usually investigate a complaint until the provider has had an opportunity to respond and resolve matters.

Our service is registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC cannot get involved in individual complaints about providers, but is happy to receive information about our services at any time. You can contact the CQC at:

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence

Newcastle upon Tyne

T: 0300 061 6161

And if applicable you can also complain to;-

  • Client Relations Team, Adult Care Services, Farnham House (SFAR 209), Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2FQ. Telephone number 01438 843636/ )
  • Bucks County Council County Hall, Walton Street, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP20 1UZPh – 0845 3708090Children services Contact: Telephone: 01992 588542


  • Address: Customer Focus Team, Room 164, County Hall, Hertford, SG13 8DF