Is care work one of the most compassionate jobs?

With reports of a social care crisis featuring regularly in the news, it can be easy to get the wrong idea about the realities of a career as a care worker, and what the role actually entails on a day-to-day basis. However, most of those working in the industry would tell you that providing social care is one of the most compassionate, rewarding jobs there is.

Working within the care sector provides you with a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference to the lives of service users, allowing them to continue to live independently in the comfort of their own homes, and affording their loved ones the chance to enjoy well-earned breaks from providing care of their own.

Abbots Care provides professional adult, respite, dementia and disability care, as well as employment opportunities for people in the South East of England. Care worker jobs with Abbots Care will ensure you become part of a supportive team, which offers excellent training, development and long-term career prospects.

A Rewarding Career

There is no doubt that embarking on a career as a care worker requires certain traits and characteristics. You need to have genuine compassion for other people and a desire to make a positive difference. Moreover, it is a role that requires patience, understanding and commitment, as service users can have serious and complex needs.

Yet, it is important to stress that care workers often leave each call with a phenomenal sense of achievement and purpose, and providing care for an elderly, sick or disabled person can be thoroughly enriching. In fact, one story which neatly highlights this is that of Patricia Aldridgein, who won £1 million on the lottery, yet still decided to do her usual 12-hour care shift on Christmas day, such was the sense of fulfilment it provided her.

Many of those in professional care jobs end up thinking of it as much more than a job. They are happy to go the extra mile for service users, because their work makes them feel better about themselves.

As the independent quality regulator of care services, through our inspection work we are privileged to see, hear and report about examples of amazing care from staff that we know is really valued by the people they support,” the CQC write.”Care workers need to have great communication skills, emotional intelligence and gallons of patience.

Working For Abbots Care

By starting a career as a care worker for Abbots Care, you will be joining a compassionate, friendly and highly skilled unit. Our leadership team all spent years as care workers themselves and understand both the challenges of the role and the immense satisfaction it can provide to know you are truly helping to make life better for other people.

All new recruits are required to undergo paid, on-site induction training, which is provided by qualified nurses and experts in the field of social care. This training will typically take place over six days, and at the end of it, you will earn a recognised Care Certificate, in accordance with Skills for Care standards.

We offer flexible contracts, high rates of pay and hours which suit your own personal schedule, allowing you to fit care work in between your other obligations. In addition, employees are given the opportunity to sign up for further training programmes, where they can potentially earn City & Guilds and NCFE National Qualifications.

Lastly, aside from the rewarding work, high-quality training and strong career prospects, one of the biggest reasons our employees like working with us is because we genuinely care about our team. It is for this reason that our door is always open, and we are more than happy to offer advice, or simply have a cup of tea and a chat at any time.


Care work requires compassion, patience, understanding and excellent communication skills, and those who possess such traits find it to be one of the most fulfilling, rewarding and enriching occupations a person can have. This is because care workers make a clear difference to the lives of service users and their loved ones.

If you live in the South East and are on the lookout for a job in care, get in touch with Abbots Care today. You can email us at: or call us on: 01727 891 004 and we would be delighted to provide you with more information and discuss our recruitment process with you in more detail.