Director General for Adult Social Care shadows Homecare visits with Abbots Care Team
On Friday 3rd of November, Director General for Adult Social Care, Michelle Dyson paid a visit to Abbots Care, spending the morning seeing the ins and outs of delivering home care.
Following a tour of Abbots Care’s head office, Michelle took the opportunity to meet staff from various departments including care coordination, liaison and Intake teams. Michelle discussed the challenges and realism of the care industry and what it’s like to work in the home care sector.
Michelle found interest in the complexity of care rostering, allowing her to see how difficult it can be to create streamlined care calls. Alongside Intake Manager Ryan, Michelle explored the Birdie System (Rostering Software used by Abbots Care), delving deep into how our care team function and flourish in our communities. She was also able to discover how we retrieve important data to deliver person centered care for our Service Users, as well as paying close attention to the difficulties of creating a smooth running workflow.
The Abbots Care team then took Michelle out in the community to shadow on a round of care. She learned about the role of a care worker, along with the real and raw side to being a care worker. Care Worker Jane enjoyed showing Camille and Michelle around a number of daily care calls in the community. Jane said:

“It was a privilege for me to take Michelle Dyson out in the Abbots community and to demonstrate how domiciliary care workers work.
It was good to show her it’s not only about making a cup of tea but can be giving medication with thorough checks, giving personal care and looking out for household members who might be living at the visiting properties which is something many may not consider, and lastly checking on the wellbeing of those using our service. “
From her visit Michelle said:
“Thank you so much for a wonderful visit today. In a short space of time I was able to see the frontline reality of being a care worker in homecare – the pressure to get through the tasks while still being led by what the care user wants, how emotionally draining some of it is and the sheer level of responsibility. And it was fascinating to see the complexity of your logistics set up.
Thank you to you and your team for all that you do.”