Live-In care jobs

Considering a live-in carer job with Abbots Care? Are you compassionate, patient and supportive? Live-in carer jobs offer round the clock support for someone in need. Live-in care work can be emotionally and physically tough, however, as carers play such a big part in our service user’s lives, it’s one of the most rewarding and satisfying careers available. You help our customers however needed, from medical support to friendly chats.
There’s no better feeling than knowing you’ve helped someone in need.
What is a Live-In Carer?
A live-in carer will often live in the home of someone in need of care, allowing for bespoke 24-hour support. By living in the service user’s home, you’re always there when needed, allowing them to feel safe and supported.
The bonus of live-in care jobs for our service users is they get to retain the freedom and comfort of living in their own home, meaning they can live their daily lives as normally as possible, focusing on doing what they love.
Live-in carer job description
You’re there to offer dedicated support, day and night. Live-in carer jobs may sound self-explanatory, but the job description includes:
- Helping people to continue living in their home, safely and in comfort, being on-call 24-hours a day.
- Giving care that would typically be given by close members of their own family, not including the responsibilities of a trained nurse.
- Promoting a service user’s independence, in regards to their specific care plan and needs.
- Working closely with a larger team of carers in order to meet a service user’s needs, including domestic, personal, and social.
Live-in carer responsibilities and duties
Are you wondering what live in care work entails? There are three main ways an Abbots Care worker helps those in need with live-in care services.
Personal Care
Live-in care jobs offer the opportunity for our service users to retain their freedom and dignity. Live-in carers help with personal care, supporting in this like getting dressed, washing, and going to the toilet, our service users can go about their normal lives without worrying.
These are things which day-to-day, many of us take for granted, however if you’re considering one of our private live-in care jobs, you could be helping someone in the most important way. Some live-in carer jobs will also require you to administer medication to our service users.
Domestic Support
Helping around the house is another large focus of live-in care work. Completing daily chores and housework creates a clean-living environment for those you’re looking after, meaning that they have one less thing to worry about. These tasks can be physically demanding for the elderly, so having someone there to take care of it makes a world of difference.
Daily domestic tasks include cleaning clothes, dusting, vacuum cleaning, doing the dishes, preparing meals, and running errands. If needed, you’ll help with their mobility around the house, too. Perhaps reaching things and helping them out of their seat.
Live-in care work is not all about the physical assistance someone may need, it also includes offering companionship. Whether it’s purely sitting next to our service users for company, reading or having a friendly chat, getting to know services users is so important.
At Abbots Care, we understand that live-in companion jobs are physically demanding, however we believe creating a real bond with service users can be equally as important – they’re not just our service users, but our friends.
Benefits of becoming a live-in carer
There are plenty of benefits of being a live-in carer. You meet amazing people and create lasting bonds whilst working. Some days you won’t even feel like you’re at work! Making a difference to someone’s life makes care work one of the most rewarding careers available.
All Abbots Care live-in carers can enjoy the following benefits and perks:
- Flexible shifts and working hours
- Free enhanced DBS check
- Free uniform
- Highest mileage pay in the industry at 40p per mile
- Exclusive carer discounts on your favourite brands
- 24/7 staff customer support
- Dedicated support from head office
- Fun socials and company team-building days
- An amazing pension scheme
- Update and refresher training all paid for
- Plenty of career development opportunities
- Free specialist training courses
How to become a live-in carer
Are you considering a career in live-in care work? Perhaps you have experience with live in carer jobs and want to develop your career? Explore our live-in care vacancies now.
There are plenty of opportunities at Abbots Care to get stuck in with live-in carer jobs. Simply apply online for a relevant role and we’ll be in touch! You don’t necessarily need any experience in care work to get a job with us, as we offer all the live-in carer training you’ll need to get started.
Once you have completed our application process, we’ll send you on an in-depth, six-day induction training course, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about live in care work. After completing the training, you’ll shadow care workers until you’re happy to work alone. It’s an easy process!
Kick-Start Your Career In Live-in Care Work!
Interested in becoming a live-in carer? Explore current live-in care vacancies and apply online today. Looking for more info? Find out more about our induction training or learn about our recruitment process.